Winter 2018

This set of photos are all the good photos that I shot during the winter of 2018. LOL well most of the photos, excluding nudes I took of my friend, cause uploading your friends nudes on the internet is frowned upon! I also excluded the trip I took to cali from this post too cause all my vacations are gonna get there own separate posts. I just started to fully understand the capabilities of my camera and really learned how to use it. Just experimenting and making every hangout with friends into a photoshoot. This time period also definitely contains one of my fav set of images that till the day I still couldn’t perfectly replicate. It was a super foggy night and I noticed that the light coming from the stoplights by my house really were glowing. I texted my best friend Dill and asked if he was down to hangout and skate in front of the lights and the rest was history. I also got one of the coolest photos ever taken of me, the last images in this gallery are from when me and my dad went to go watch the sunrise in new jersey at the 9/11 memorial. To our surprise when the sun hit a certain angle in the sky it reflected off the memorial and created this portal effect!! I set up my camera on the tripod on a timer and skated through the portal. Got lucky and timed it perfectly and got an epic photo from a sunrise ill never forget.


Brentwood 4/19/24


From Humble Beginnings (Fall 2017)